Sunday, January 3, 2010

Well crap...

I apparently read the list wrong and 1984 is not on it...Animal Farm is.

SO scratch that, I will be starting with Emma by Jane Austen since I have that lying around.


  1. What a wonderful idea! I tried getting all sorts of what I thought were classics for you kids here but when I tried to get you guys to read them you balked! But now is as good a time as any to start! Animal Farm is a bit out there so be prepared!

  2. Ha ha. Great idea! I prefer 1984 to Animal Farm, but anything by Orwell is 'out there'. Good luck Stephanie. Cant wait to read your reviews.

  3. Thanks guys! I'm looking forward to embarking on this journey and hope I get some new favs out of it, and re-tackle some old books that I HATED in high school (i.e. Heart of Darkness...not looking forward to that)
